A Virtual Research Environment for
3D Digital Humanities And Heritage
Did you know? A project is a collection of narratives in 3D and may entail multiple 3D scholary editions.

Maarten van Bommel op Bank

Maarten van Bommel op bank is a 3D edition of a ceramic sculpture made for Maarten van Bommel on the occaison of his birthday in 1989. The 3D model of the sculpture is used as an opportunity to open the digital collection of Modern Art in 3D by providing some background information on the collectors, Maarten and Reina van Bommel van Dam, as well as ellaborating on the artist's choices within the sculpture. The sculpture is today displayed in the Museum van Bommel van Dam in a period room replicating the Van Bommel van Dam couple's sitting room.



  • Hilde Janssen


CC - BY - NC - ND
Rights holder
Museum van Bommel van Dam


  • Museum van Bommel van Dam



Scene information

  1. asset:
    • copyright: (c) Smithsonian Institution. All rights reserved.
    • generator: Voyager
    • type: application/si-dpo-3d.document+json
    • version: 1.0
  2. cameras:
  3. :
    • perspective:
      • yfov: 52
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    • type: perspective
  4. lights:
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      • color:
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      • color:
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      • shadowEnabled: True
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      • type: directional
    • :
      • color:
        • 0.8
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      • intensity: 0.5
      • type: directional
    • :
      • color:
        • 0.85
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        • 1
      • intensity: 0.6
      • type: directional
  5. metas:
    • :
      • articles:
        • (#xFXCVMpdYaJD) Introduction:
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          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Introduction
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/intro.html
        • (#oU58rqkNOUSZ) Measurements:
          • id: oU58rqkNOUSZ
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Measurements
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/measurements.html
        • (#ZoxfHC9AM3I2) Material properties:
          • id: ZoxfHC9AM3I2
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Material properties
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/material.html
        • (#A5Onn6GLOhD2) Date:
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            • EN: ''
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            • EN: Date
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            • EN: articles/date.html
        • (#gYKshDWJ5i8G) Symbol:
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          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Symbol
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/symbol.html
        • (#PMSbvitz7sbJ) Maarten and Reina:
          • id: PMSbvitz7sbJ
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Maarten and Reina
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/maarten_reina.html
        • (#vV3sjihEIWK8) Signature pieces:
          • id: vV3sjihEIWK8
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Signature pieces
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/signature.html
        • (#EwgklreHGqy3) Stijlkamer:
          • id: EwgklreHGqy3
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Stijlkamer
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/stijlkammer.html
      • collection:
        • titles:
          • EN: Maarten van Bommel op bank
    • :
      • audio:
      • :
        • id: N5F3VVlHQnQC
        • name: Spoken introduction
        • uris:
          • EN: articles/Media/ZOOM0003_TrLR.mp3
      • collection:
        • titles:
          • EN: ''
  6. models:
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      • annotations:
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            • EN: []
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            • EN: Maarten and Reina
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            • 0.87
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          • scale: 0.1233038
          • style: Extended
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Signature pieces
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            • 0.61
            • 0.87
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          • scale: 0.1233038
          • style: Extended
          • titles:
            • EN: Dating the object
        • (#Ab2LBkNmIVMF) Signature or not? :
          • articleId: gYKshDWJ5i8G
          • color:
            • 0
            • 0.61
            • 0.87
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            • -0.0123556
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          • scale: 0.1233038
          • style: Extended
          • titles:
            • EN: Signature or not?
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  11. setups:
  12. :
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      • language: EN
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    • snapshots:
      • features:
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      • states:
        • (#fUlYrd):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
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          • values:
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            • xFXCVMpdYaJD
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            • 5:
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              • 1
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            • 34:
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            • 35:
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            • 43:
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              • 0.9068172
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              • 3.5
              • 3.5
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              • 1
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            • 43:
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          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
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            • ZoxfHC9AM3I2
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              • -0.0865085
              • -0.0337014
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              • 0.4200409
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              • 0.9068172
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              • 3.5
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            • 43:
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        • (#zK4NOn):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
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          • values:
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            • A5Onn6GLOhD2
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              • -0.1612088
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              • 0.9869125
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              • -0.0865085
              • -0.0337014
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              • -0.0353305
              • 0.9068172
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              • 0
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              • 0
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              • 3.5
              • 3.5
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            • 0
            • 0
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            • 31:
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              • 0
            • 35:
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              • 1
              • 1
            • True
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            • 0
            • 1
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            • 0.1
            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
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        • (#wSqPNc):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
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          • values:
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            • gYKshDWJ5i8G
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              • -0.1995565
              • -0.0882032
              • -0.0320659
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              • -0.1612088
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              • 0.9869125
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              • 0.2020285
              • -0.0865085
              • -0.0337014
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              • 0.4200409
              • -0.0353305
              • 0.9068172
            • 0
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            • 0
            • 21:
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              • 0
              • 0
            • 22:
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              • 3.5
              • 3.5
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            • 0
            • 0
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            • 0.8
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            • 31:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
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            • 33:
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              • 0
              • 0
            • 34:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 35:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
        • (#TtEhL6):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: TtEhL6
          • values:
            • True
            • 2
            • PMSbvitz7sbJ
            • 4:
              • -11.3024253
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              • 0
            • 5:
              • 0.0433976
              • -0.0415894
              • 0.3867194
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 1
            • 0
            • 13:
              • -0.1995565
              • -0.0882032
              • -0.0320659
            • 14:
              • -0.1612088
              • -0.0039319
              • 0.9869125
            • 15:
              • 0.2020285
              • -0.0865085
              • -0.0337014
            • 16:
              • 0.4200409
              • -0.0353305
              • 0.9068172
            • 0
            • 0
            • 0.875
            • 0
            • 21:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 22:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 23:
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
            • 0
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 31:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
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              • 0
              • 0
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            • 34:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 35:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
        • (#UmfwrS):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: UmfwrS
          • values:
            • True
            • 2
            • vV3sjihEIWK8
            • 4:
              • -11.3024253
              • 43.8933162
              • 0
            • 5:
              • -0.0881565
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            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 1
            • 0
            • 13:
              • -0.1995565
              • -0.0882032
              • -0.0320659
            • 14:
              • -0.1612088
              • -0.0039319
              • 0.9869125
            • 15:
              • 0.2020285
              • -0.0865085
              • -0.0337014
            • 16:
              • 0.4200409
              • -0.0353305
              • 0.9068172
            • 0
            • 0
            • 0.875
            • 0
            • 21:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 22:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 23:
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
            • 0
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 31:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
            • 33:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 34:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 35:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
        • (#ZwBtbR):
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            • True
            • 33:
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              • 0
              • 0
            • 34:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 35:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
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            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
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            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
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            • 15:
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              • -0.0865085
              • -0.0337014
            • 16:
              • 0.4200409
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              • 0.9068172
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            • 21:
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              • 0
              • 0
            • 22:
              • 0
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            • 23:
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
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            • True
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 31:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
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            • 33:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 34:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 35:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
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            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
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          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: 5DGLjr
          • values:
            • True
            • 2
            • gYKshDWJ5i8G
            • 4:
              • 0
              • 180
              • 0
            • 5:
              • 0.1629772
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            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 1
            • 0
            • 13:
              • -0.1995565
              • -0.0882032
              • -0.0320659
            • 14:
              • -0.1612088
              • -0.0039319
              • 0.9869125
            • 15:
              • 0.2020285
              • -0.0865085
              • -0.0337014
            • 16:
              • 0.4200409
              • -0.0353305
              • 0.9068172
            • 0
            • 0
            • 0.875
            • 0
            • 21:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 22:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 23:
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
            • 0
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 31:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
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              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 34:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 35:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
        • (#topHk4):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: topHk4
          • values:
            • True
            • 2
            • A5Onn6GLOhD2
            • 4:
              • 0
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            • ''
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              • -0.0320659
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              • -0.0865085
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              • 0.4200409
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              • 0.9068172
            • 0
            • 0
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            • 0
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              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 22:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 23:
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
              • 3.5
            • 0
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
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              • 1
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              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
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              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
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              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 43:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
        • (#scene-default):
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          • duration: 1
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            • 0
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            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
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            • 0
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              • 3.5
              • 3.5
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            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
            • 0.1
            • 31:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
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              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 34:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 35:
              • 1
              • 1
              • 1
            • True
            • 3
            • 0
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0.8
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            • 43:
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      • targets:
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    • tape:
      • enabled: 0
    • tours:
    • :
      • leads:
        • EN: ''
      • steps:
        • (#fUlYrd) Introduction:
          • id: fUlYrd
          • titles:
            • EN: Introduction
        • (#J41WAs) Measurements:
          • id: J41WAs
          • titles:
            • EN: Measurements
        • (#evSJa0) Material properties:
          • id: evSJa0
          • titles:
            • EN: Material properties
        • (#topHk4) Date #1 :
          • id: topHk4
          • titles:
            • EN: Date #1
        • (#zK4NOn) Date #2:
          • id: zK4NOn
          • titles:
            • EN: Date #2
        • (#wSqPNc) Symbol #1:
          • id: wSqPNc
          • titles:
            • EN: Symbol #1
        • (#5DGLjr) Symbol #2:
          • id: 5DGLjr
          • titles:
            • EN: Symbol #2
        • (#TtEhL6) Maarten and Reina:
          • id: TtEhL6
          • titles:
            • EN: Maarten and Reina
        • (#UmfwrS) Signature pieces:
          • id: UmfwrS
          • titles:
            • EN: Signature pieces
        • (#ZwBtbR) Stijlkamer #1:
          • id: ZwBtbR
          • titles:
            • EN: Stijlkamer #1
        • (#6AqLDu) Stijlkamer #2:
          • id: 6AqLDu
          • titles:
            • EN: Stijlkamer #2
      • taglist:
        • EN: []
      • titles:
        • EN: Maarten van Bommel op bank
    • units: cm
    • viewer:
      • exposure: 1
      • gamma: 2
      • shader: Default
      • toneMapping: 0
Table of Models
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